For deployment of standalone Toolbox deployment application you can use this command line:

"QSAR Toolbox 4.5.msi" /qb INSTALLDIR="E:\Program Files (x86)\QSAR Toolbox\QSAR Toolbox 4.5"

The default for the Server listen port is 8803, and the default for PostgreSQL connect port is 5432. If you'd like to configure them you can use the SERVERLISTENPORT and POSTGRESQLPORT parameterse e. g.:

"QSAR Toolbox 4.5.msi" /qb INSTALLDIR="E:\Program Files (x86)\QSAR Toolbox\QSAR Toolbox 4.5" SERVERLISTENPORT="8803" POSTGRESQLPORT ="5433"


For Client Only deployment you'd need to specify the Port and Host of the QSAR Toolbox Server, e.g.:

"QSAR Toolbox 4.5.msi"  /qb INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\QSAR Toolbox\QSAR Toolbox 4.5" DEPLOYMENTMODE="2" CLIENTCONNECTPORT="8802" CLIENTCONNECTHOST="" ADDLOCAL="References,QSARToolboxClient,ClientDeploymentOnly,QSARToolboxRepositoryClient"

Where CLIENTCONNECTHOST  and CLIENTCONNECTPORT refer to the address and port of the QSAR Toolbox Server.


For QSAR Toolbox Multi-User deployment you'd need to set DEPLOYMENTMODE parameter e.g.:

"QSAR Toolbox 4.5.msi"  /qb INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\QSAR Toolbox\QSAR Toolbox 4.5" DEPLOYMENTMODE="3"


For a silent install of the Toolbox databases use:

The InstallDatabases.WithExtParameters.bat file available in the folder "Database" of the Toolbox installation folder (see figure 1 below). 


Figure 1

Redirect the output, and check the exit code (should return 0). It takes three parameters PostgreSQLBinFolder, PostgreSQLPassword, PostgreSQLPort. Make sure you quote escape the PostgreSQLBinFolder parameter. 


For example:
c:\>InstallDatabases.WithExtParameters.bat "C:\Program Files\Postgresql\13\bin\" YourPostgresPassword 5433