1. Create your literature file. Save it in a word format – an example word file is illustrated on Figure 1:



Figure 1. A literature saved in a word format


  1. Save the word file in “web page, filtered” format (e.g. *.htm” or “*.html”) – see Figure 2


Figure 2. Extension of the file format suitable for literature support in a custom profiler

2. Open your custom profiler and click on the category to which you want to associate the respective literature – see Figure 3


Figure 3 Custom profiler

Note: Each category from the profiler should be associated with the respective htm file. 


3. Click on section Properties. In the Literature key field put the name of htm (web page filtered) file containing the literature information. This is the word file that you have already saved as htm file (see section 2).


Figure 4 Association of a literature file to the custom profiler


4. Click on section Scheme.  In the Literature field put the specific path (Reference\Name of folder with .htm files) to the folder containing literature files (htm files) for all categories – see Figure 5


Figure 5 Specific path to the folder containing literature files

Note: All literature (.htm) files should be collected in a folder and placed in the following directory *C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\QSAR Toolbox 4.4\Config\Addins\LMC.Toolbox.Server.Profiling\References



In the illustrated custom profiler there is one category associated with a literature file called “Literature – Category 1.htm”. The latter file is packed in a folder named Custom PBT. The folder Custom PBT is placed in the following directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\QSAR Toolbox 4.4\Config\Addins\LMC.Toolbox.Server.Profiling\References – see figure 6



Figure 6 Specific path to the folder containing literature files


5. Finally click Save Scheme:


                Figure 7


6. Once open the scheme, click on the corresponding category and go to Literature section to see the associated literature:



 Figure 8

Note: Sharing of custom profiler 

In case you want to share your custom profiler with other users, you need to collect all the htm files (associated with categories in the profiler) in a zip archive. No need to put them in a subfolder, just add them in a zip file. After that store the zip file in the same directory as explained above (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\QSAR Toolbox 4.4\Config\Addins\LMC.Toolbox.Server.Profiling\References). Do not forget to change the specific path to the folder including the references in the “Scheme” section. It should include the zip file name (e.g. References\Custom PBT.zip)

Now if you want to share your custom profiler with others, you should send the *.config file along with .zip archive including references.

The config files are stored in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\QSAR Toolbox 4.4\Config\Addins\LMC.Toolbox.Server.Profiling

References are stored here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\QSAR Toolbox 4.5\Config\Addins\LMC.Toolbox.Server.Profiling\References (this same folder is to be selected in the "Reference files" panel when compiling a *.tbaddin package with the Configurable instance packager tool)